mindfully woven, melbourne

Mamma never thought it was possible but it is! Weaving and five year olds actually work. Lauren and Sarah from Mindfully Woven have come through with the goods. Leaving little ones interested and wanting to create. Weaving is not a fast process, it involves time, patience and commitment. Hence, why Mamma thought Little Miss may have struggled, but she was wrong. We both enjoyed every moment. Afternoons sitting watching classic movies and weaving is now a thing and it’s fab! The best part about weaving is the subtle art of mindfulness. Teaching the brain to calm and slow down is important, and beginning this at a young age is giving children the tools that they can use as adults.

Mindfully Woven have different kits available. If you are feeling a little confused, get in contact with these ladies and they will be able to point you in the right direction.

Mammas special mention: Keep an eye on these guys. They have workshops running throughout the year. Until then order their easy guide kits. Click here!

the nitty gritty

Order weaving kits here



