adventures of the sea: sea snail scrolls - museum at home

If we are at home all day - and the little ones are constantly asking for snacks - we may as well make it fun! The Museum at Home activities from Museums Victoria are jammed packed with fun things to learn and we stumbled upon this easy recipe to make WITH the kids, FOR the kids. Found in the Virtual Playbox, we joined Justin and Simone as they took us through the underwater world in the Adventures of the Sea episode. Once we learnt about seahorses, sea urchins and huge whales found in the ocean we were a little hungry, so we made our own SEA SNAILS!

The recipe for Sea Snail Scrolls is nice and simple, full of plenty of veggies or whatever you happen to have in the fridge. Simply wrap a colourful fix of ingredients in puff pastry and make cool sea snail shaped treats. The kids can help with most steps but most importantly, the expert taste testers at the end.

MAH Sea Snail Scrolls - Mamma Knows Melbourne  (14 of 24).jpg

Mamma’s special mentions: Check out all the cool Museum At Home activities to be inspired to have a go with your family, as well as seeing what cool things the Mammas have road tested HERE.

the nitty gritty

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check out all the fun right here