back to nature: bird feeders - museum at home

Whilst we have been spending more time at home and there is less movement around our ‘burbs the numbers of birdlife around Mamma’s place is skyrocketing. We love counting how many lorikeets are in the yard. In order to encourage some more feathered friends to play in our trees, we have been inspired by the Melbourne Museum’s, Museum At Home Collection. Filled with dozens of ideas from our learning experts, this online collection is a great way to find activities for your whole family. If you have preschoolers, the Virtual Playbox is filled brilliant resources, with videos and activities targeted to this little guys, and were we watched Episode 2: Back to Nature.

The make your own bird feeder is a simple craft activity using things found at home - peanut butter (or another spread alternative), toilet roll holders, bird seed (we picked up a box from the supermarket), some string and a stick or butter knife to spread the sticky stuff.

For all the steps and the video to show the kids CLICK HERE.

Then we wait. We found that the strings needed to be short and close to a sturdy branch so the birds had something solid to hold onto before nibbling at the feeders.

Bird Feeders MAH - Mamma Knows East (23 of 23).jpg

Age suitability:
We think this activity is fun for everyone. Adults will need to help with the spreading (and smooth peanut butter is easier than chunky) but task is simple enough for even this 3 year old to work on.

Mamma’s special mentions: Check out all the cool Museum At Home activities to be inspired to have a go with your family, as well as seeing what cool things the Mammas have road tested HERE.

the nitty gritty

Wanna know more?
check out all the fun right here