zero latency, the district docklands
/There’s nothing quite like sending the kids off to school with a packed lunch and a smoochy kiss, then heading off to save the world from killer robots or flesh eating zombies.
Read MoreThere’s nothing quite like sending the kids off to school with a packed lunch and a smoochy kiss, then heading off to save the world from killer robots or flesh eating zombies.
Read MoreSaboteurs is an experience full of excitement and fun and chaos! This space themed game is based on the popular online game Among Us, but in real life!
Read MoreWow, it’s actually like a dream! Dreamskape is now at The District Docklands and it is incredible. Dubbed a ‘multi sensory entertainment hub’. Let Mamma take you on a guided tour of the 6 incredible sections you will experience here...
Read MoreImaginator (formally Imaginaria) is an immersive play experience like no other. Imaginator has made itself well and truly at home at The District Docklands and you are not going to want to miss this!
Read MoreIt’s an old school arcade full of bright lights, colour and FUN! FUN! FUN!
Read MoreMamma LOVES her mini golf and with a swing like hers - doing it in the dark is a bonus! Step away from some shopping at The District Docklands for an hour or so and have a laugh and some fun working your way through the glowing maze of holes with some fantastic discoveries
Read MoreWhen was the last time you went to the cinema?
Going to the movies has always been a special family treat. You are going to love seeing an exciting new movie in big recliners but not before stopping by treat city!
Copyright Mamma Knows 2017
*All reviews are based on ‘Mamma’s’ personal opinion and unique experience. Mamma takes no responsibility for any negative experiences incurred at any venue/location.*
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