spacecraft adventures, melbourne

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!!! Calling ALL inventors! Spacecraft Adventures have a mission and they need you to help!

With their art, craft and play based activities Spacecraft Adventures are sparking kids imaginations and inspire self directed play at home with their SUPER adventure packs. Each mission is a creative project set within a space adventure story line.

There are three packs to choose from depending on what you already have at home. The Space Building Kit includes EVERYTHING you need including recycled and rehomed materials from all over the galaxy, plus space adventure missions that encourage ideas and play. The SpaceCraft Adventure Missions kit is for those that already have all the materials at home. Missions are sent directly to parents email or through text to encourage imagination. Finally there is the Space Junk Supply kit. This big pack of fun and shiny recycled materials is perfect for families with bigger families or simply supercharge your any craft activities.

By using recycled materials Spacecraft Adventures encourage resourcefulness and imagination as well as being good for planet earth!

All packs are personalised to the child making this a SUPER, SPACEY mission of fun.

Mammas special mentions: Spacecraft Adventures deliver all over Victoria! With a $5 delivery fee for the Moreland, Darebin and Yarra Councils and $15 for everywhere else!

the nitty gritty

want to order kit or know more? click here