buzz and dig, melbourne

Did you know that Honey Bees are actually not native to Australia? And the bees that are, are the ones that help our veggies taste so delicious?

Mamma and her little one had a ball creating a bee hotel this afternoon with Katrina from Buzz & Dig. Buzz and Dig run sustainable workshops connecting families with nature. They promote native bees and the benefits of insect biodiversity, which is exactly what we need to enjoy yummy tasty vegetables.

Katrina runs Zoom sessions which talk about the the importance of bees. Sessions are customised accordingly for specific ages and are an informal way to learn lots. You can even share sessions with friends.

Have you ever heard of seed bombs? Neither had Mamma until today! Seed bombs are the little clay balls filled with seeds that you throw in sunny spots in your garden. They are a great, fun way to get planting and perfect for creating flowers for bees to get eating.

All packs include everything you need to make your bee hotel plus a couple of other little surprises.

Mamma’s special mention: Buzz and Dig offer postage (for an extra fee) to all over Melbourne. For those who live in the Northern suburbs, there are pick up options too.

buzz and dig - mamma knows melbourne